Monday, September 9, 2024, 1:49AM
/ Hierarchical Services
Hierarchical Services
Bishop's Kairon
Divine Liturgy with a Non-Celebrating Hierarch
Elevation to the Dignity of Archimandrite
Elevation to the Dignity of Archpriest
Episcopal Prerogatives
Great Vespers with a Non-Celebrating Hierarch
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Non-Reception Entrance of the Bishop
Ordination to the Holy Diaconate
Ordination to the Holy Priesthood
Orthros with a Non-Celebrating Hierarch
Reception of the Bishop
The Paschal Season
The Proskomedia and the Kairon on the day of a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
The Service of Litia and Artoklasia with a Celebrating Hierarch
Tonsuring of a Reader
Tonsuring of a Subdeacon
Great and Holy Week
Bridegroom Orthros with a Non-Celebrating Hierarch
Great and Holy Pascha with a Celebrating Hierarch
Holy Saturday Hierarchical Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Holy Thursday Hierarchical Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Holy Unction Service with a Celebrating Hierarch
Lamentation Service with a Celebrating Hierarch
Passion Gospel Service with a Celebrating Hierarch
Presanctified Divine Liturgy with a Non-Celebrating Hierarch
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