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/ Liturgics / Phimi & Polychronion for Metropolitan JOSEPH

Below is the Phimi for His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph. It is chanted immediately before the introduction of the prokeimenon of the epistle during a Divine Liturgy at which the Metropolitan himself serves as protos. Properly, the Phimi is first intoned by the deacon standing in the holy doors (facing the people), then it is chanted by the clergy within the sanctuary, then by the choir. The deacon then introduces the prokeimenon of the epistle with "Let us attend."


the most devout, the most reverend, chosen by God, archbishop of

New York and metropolitan of all North America, our father and chief

shepherd, may God grant him many years!

Printer-Friendly Music for the Phimi

Listen to the Phimi

At the end of the Hierarchial Divine Litugy celebrated by the Metropolitan, the choir sings, in place of "Ton Despotin...", the following hymn (at the end of all other servies presided over by the Metropolitan the usual "Ton Despotin..." is sung):

Listen to the Polychronion

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